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Different types of County Fairs that you should visit at least once

County fairs are one of the most entertaining and informative public events that are conducted by various communities. There are a lot of exhibitions, games and food stalls at the event. People gather at the exhibit to showcase their culture and talent. Many exciting games are also conducted for the individuals who come to the fair.

County fairs are usually conducted to teach people about various things so that they can use in their daily living. The activities that are held at the county fair are mostly related to agriculture and animal husbandry. There are also exhibitions conducted for painting, sculpting, quilt making, ornaments making, flower decorations, crafts and various other things.

Types of County Fair

The following are the various types of County Fairs:

  • An exhibit of local agriculture products.
  • An exhibition of livestock.
  • Cultural presentations.
  • Art and craft exhibit.

An exhibit of local agriculture products:

A county fair is mostly organized to bring out various ideas about improving agriculture and to educate people who live in a town that has a significant agricultural base. Initially, these county fairs were started in the early 1940s when communities wanted to teach people the various techniques about agriculture and the ways to increase their produce. There are also plenty of games and competitions that are conducted to award the farmer who has produced the best crop. Many courses are conducted for the public so that they become aware of how to increase their harvest.

An exhibit of Livestock:

Some county fairs are specific only for livestock. The activities at the event are mostly related to animal husbandry. For example, if the people of a town are more involved with livestock then the activities of the county fairs are based on animal husbandry. Individuals are taught how to improve the condition of their farms and animals by providing them education through courses, exhibitions, and presentations. After the fair, they start to give better care to their livestock, and this improves their flockā€™s condition and the condition of their living. Prizes are awarded to individuals who produce the hardiest flocks; by doing this, others get inspired and motivated to improve their cattle.

Cultural presentations:

These fairs are a great way to teach the younger generation about the culture of a particular county. Many good things and practices from the past are slowly deteriorating, and thus it is essential for the newer generations to learn about it.

Art and craft making and exhibit:

Various mediums of art such as painting, sculpting, wood carving, quilt making, etc. are exhibited in the county fair. If you happen to be an expert with artwork, you can exhibit your painting or crafts and might even have the chance to meet your favorite artist or get a potential contact which would be helpful for your future career in that particular field.

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